Operating in the Courts of Heaven E-Course

Operating in the Courts of Heaven E-Course


Regular price $69.00 $49.00 Sale

Undo the Spiritual Legalities that are in the Way of your Unanswered Prayer!

Do you realize that much of the spiritual warfare you face takes place in a courtroom that you have a legal right to operate in? You will stand before God as judge and seek verdicts  that will produce the breakthrough that you have been waiting years for! 

The enemy is always looking for ways to accuse the life of a believer. One of the ways he tries to do this is by bringing legal cases in the spirit against you. If you have seen negative cycles play out in your life and the lives of your family, it is very likely there is a case being made against you in the spirit. But with just one judgment in the Courts of Heaven, patterns of delay, sickness, or poverty can be reversed and ruled in your favor!

Throughout this course, Robert Henderson will give you a solid Biblical foundations for every concept that is taught as well as all the protocols  to seek judgment on your behalf!